Wednesday, 22 May 2013

What does it take to turn in a great translation?

A few ideas on this subject, in no particular order.

Osmosis and symbiosis, living with the text and living the text.

Putting oneself in the place of the author.

Putting oneself in the place of the reader.

Having good dictionaries.

Knowing the subject (in both source and target).

Having some idea of what the author wishes to achieve.

Reading and rereading your translation several times before you even think of sending it to a client.

Really knowing your source and target language. In my own case I lived and worked in France for 20 years and besides being of English mother tongue have now lived in England for the last 15 years, etc.

Research, research and research (never give up on a term until you are positive it is the right one)

Negotiating proper deadlines. A rushed translation is often a bad one (unless it is run of the mill stuff).

Don't be afraid to ask (the agency, the client, whoever) if you are not sure.

I am sure you could add many more things that make a good translation. Let me know your thoughts.

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